for pregnancy & post-partum

Cranoisacral work is a gentle and effective in supporting you through all stages of pregnancy & the post-partum period. It helps relieving common complaints during pregnancy & assists with whole body integration and nurtures the postpartum Mother while promoting recovery.


When is Craniosacral Therapy useful in pregnancy & post-partum recovery?

• Stress and tension related complaints

• Fatigue

• Relief of strain in the back, legs, shoulders and neck 

• Neck, back & joint pain

• Inner restlessness, anxiety, nervousness & fears

• Sciatic nerve pain

• Supporting & strengthening inner trust

• Supporting the pelvis in relaxation and mobility

• Supporting the breath

• Bodily support, recovery and regeneration for the back, pelvis and organs post-partum.

• Processing the birthing experience

• Strengthening of the bond between parents & child

• Promoting relaxation and general well-being

• CST provides a safe space for processing emotions, experiences and traumas held in the tissue.

What happens in a cranio session?

Initial sessions are 75 min, following sessions 60 or 90 min.

Sorting & integration in everyday life

We start every session with a chat regarding your current needs and goals. We’ll focus on your current resources and how they can best support you. From this perspective we’ll approach your concerns and desire for change, in order to create a sustainable healing process.  There is a strong focus on resources, because frankly you can't pour from an empty cup!

Your goals, needs & resources

Subsequently we head to the massage table, where you lie in comfortable clothing. We may also work sitting, standing or in motion. I will come into contact with your body using a gentle, often perceived as calming touch. Through this touch we’ll come into contact with the body's different systems and support the body in finding and activating inherent resources.

I’ll ask questions as to what you are experiencing and noticing. There will also be moments of stillness.

Mindful touch & dialogue

Afterwards we'll  reflect briefly on what you have experienced in order to sort any experiences - and to see if any of what you experienced could be supportive to you in your everyday life.

Pricing & coverage

Pricing: 132 CHF/hr
The first session is 75 min. - 165 CHF
Following sessions are 60 oder 90 min. - 132 / 198CHF

If you have a supplementary insurance (Zusatzversicherung), it may cover part of the treatment costs. Please enquire directly with your insurance company to find out. Quote my ZSR number when making your enquiry: P476764, to see if  treatments with me are covered by your provider.
I'm registered with EMR, EKG & Visana.

Initial treatments are paid in cash or with TWINT after the session.


How many sessions will i need?

This is highly individual and depends on what your goals are with the process.

I recommend 4-6 sessions at individually determined intervals to start. Perhaps this is enough for you to sustainably create the change you are looking for, maybe you’d like to keep coming.

In the 5th session we’ll do a status-check and discuss where you are at and how to proceed.

Client Feedback

Die Behandlungen bei Nathalie haben eine tiefe Wirkung. Durch ihre aufgestellte und natürliche Art schafft sie Vertrauen. Ich kann sie sehr empfehlen!

I am very happy with the treatment that I received from Nathalie. Nathalie makes you feel safe in her therapy practice. It was also great to finally find an English-speaking craniosacral therapist. I highly recommend her services!

Eduardo K.

Finola B.

Die 5 Cranio-Theapien bei Nathalie Rickenbacher wirken nachhaltig positiv. Ich erlebte ein Nachlassen von Hüft- und Rückenbeschwerden, tiefe Entspannung, eine verbesserte Körperwahrnehmung.

Ich war bei Nathalie über mehrere Monate hinweg in der Craniosacraltherapie, um diverse Themen anzuschauen. Sie hat mich mit ihrer empathischen und herzlichen Art immer dort abgeholt, wo ich gerade stand. In ihrer Praxis habe ich mich stets sehr wohl und sicher gefühlt. Ich bin so dankbar, durfte ich zu Nathalie in die Therapie gehen! Sehr zu empfehlen.

Roman S.

Olive H.

Väldigt nöjd med behandlingen jag fick av Nathalie.
Proffisionellt bemötande och lugnande behandling. Var min första kraniosakral terapi behandling, kommer mer än gärna tillbaka då den hjälpte.

Top Adresse, Nathalie ist ein herzoffener Mensch mit viel Begabung für ihre Arbeit. Ich habe nachhaltige Verbesserung in meiner Wirbelsäule aber vor allem in meinem feinstofflichen Körper hat sich unglaublich viel negative Energie gelöst. Tausend Dank!

Christoffer S.

Natassja B.